Solel Sabbath Fellowship
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This Sabbath
Join us at 2 pm this Sabbath for worship, prayer, Scripture study, and fellowship. Learn more…
This Week’s Scripture
For March 23-29, 2025 Tazria | תַזְרִיעַ | “She Will Conceive”
This Week’s Location
Sabbath, March 29 – East Olive Community Center – St. Johns, MI

2024-2025 Torah Portions
Keep this handy schedule in your Bible or journal, so you’ll know what Torah portions to read for each Sabbath — and get our top recommendations for daily Bible reading!
Recent Sabbath Teachings
The Sacrifices of Leviticus | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship
In this teaching from Shabbat, March 15, 2025, Kraig Elliott begins a…
Continue Reading The Sacrifices of Leviticus | Kraig Elliott | Solel Sabbath Fellowship
Why We Are Called Solel
In this teaching from Shabbat, March 8, 2025, Kraig Elliott shares why…
Symbolism and Understanding Mysteries
In this teaching from Shabbat, March 1, 2025, Kraig Elliott shares from…
Shabbat, the Tabernacle, and Our Lives
In this teaching from Shabbat, February 22, 2025, Kraig Elliott shares from…

Our Purpose
We are a family-integrated church that seeks to follow the entire Bible in all that we do. We believe that Yeshua is our only way of salvation, and we seek to be obedient to the commands of God as given in the Torah (the books of Moses) for our sanctification. We eagerly await the Kingdom of God and seek to be His ambassadors in the world, ministering in the power and love of the Holy Spirit to those in our community.
At Solel Sabbath Fellowship, it is our purpose to clear the path (Hebrew, solu) and make disciples for Yeshua who are obedient to the commands of God and make disciples.